I have committed the new Gonto Protocol to .html, added it to this website and you can find it by clicking here Protocol
On 12th September, 2016, Dr Gonto added an update - which I have added at the start of the Protocol
A suggestion to the Board of Directors of the Basenji Club of America sent me into hibernation for a couple of months. The on-computer database, alphabetical lists of affixes and breeders open and hours of time have produced - Affixes & Breeders
There is an explanatory preamble on the page.
Anyone objecting can have their entry removed if they email me
Australian PRA Tests A Melbourne based DNA company, Orivet,(Orivet.com) has started DNA profiling for PRA and PKD testing. Codes showing results are added into pedigrees (see below)
Honor Rolls. People sometimes submit data with 'SDHR' and 'BBHR' as additional titles and only following a suggestion that we include Honor Roll data did I cotton to what they meant !
To explain, these Honor Rolls are maintained by the Basenji Club of American to honor Stud Dogs responsible for 5 or more Champions (SDHR) and Brood Bitches (BBHR) with 4 champions to their credit.
You may have noted the changes in layout and the print function
I have disabled the COI function. It might appear later, generated on computer to 9 generations and included in an existing 'field'
I will always generate one for you. Just email me.
Searches are limited to 400 dogs, but its sensible to use a less 'numerically challenged' word i.e. search Domewood Donner on 'Donner'
HOWEVER, more and more affixes are approaching or even exceeding 400 dogs. If the first word in an affix is - for example 'Star' - it is impossible to retrieve all the dogs you are searching for using 'fast search'. EITHER use the second word in the name OR use 'slow search' and the whole affix.
Normally use 'fast search'. But if you use slow search, you can 'search' on AKC registration numbers as well as names (see above)
Parentheses in names of UK dogs indicate new owner as opposed to breeder. Words inside them have been added on registration of change of ownership, usually the owner's affix. Brackets themselves do not form part of the registered name, they are an indicative device of my own
'Unknown Native' parents - 99% gone ! All parents identified as unknown sire or dam of specific offspring
'Native' no longer figures as 'Country (of Origin)'. Where possible, actual areas of Africa are defined. If you can be even more specific - email me sallypwallis@gmail.com
When doing a trial pedigree, use a single word and then 'select'. For example 'Domewood Donner' - select on 'Donner' and when prompted, select again to refine the search.
The trailing 's. Configuration removes this problem BUT names ending in s don't always show up in a search. Get around this by searching on the word WITHOUT the final s.
The default colour is red & white. Listing color of every dog makes the pedigrees look messy !
The program doesn't recognise hyphens.
There are thousands of dogs so don't be alarmed
if it takes a minute to find what you are looking for.